Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paintin' on Paper

Well it has been, as they say, awhile. Actually one year, twelve days. Damn. I ain't got no excuse.

This one's mine, punks.

Well, you're wondering what the heck am I gonna' use to reintroduce this monstrosity. Well, how about some art? One of the main reasons I have been offline for, hmm, a month of Mondays is this: I have been painting like the Devil, and under those circumstances there is only so much work you can do on a blog that like forty people read. Ever. But such is life, and so it goes. Regardless, if you're interested in seeing some of my recent work, well, dig on these here, as well as these over here.

Anyway, I hope you like them and, mores the truth, I hope that my absurdly long hiatus hasn't resulted in the complete purging of SBB from all Bookmark lists. But, if that's the case, well heck, tumbled walls can always be rebuilt.

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