Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thomas Dolby

I was on my way to work this morning when the XM delivered my post to me, via awesome.

His name, it is Thomas Dolby. You will know him only by his masterpiece, "Blinded Me With Science" if you're American.

I know I am.

What else has he been up to? Other than be forcibly deprived of his vision by potential lovers utilizing technological breakthroughs, I mean.

Well, he is the owner of the most successful ringtone corporation in the universe, which is nice (and not really as surprising as you'd think it would be).

Also, he has some new jonx coming out soon as he gets ready to go on tour. . . not the least of which is a song on the soundtrack of Mission Impossible III (which I've seen and, well, hit it at a matinee. . . if you've seen True Lies and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, well yeah, you've seen MI:3).

Regardless, if you like techno and/or New Wave, particularly techno and/or New Wave that embraces the concept of the geek, well, you'll love his work. If not, heck, steer clear. Key links include his homepage (check out the blog for samples), his mySpace page (where you will be only partially visually incapacitated by the research process that precedes practical engineering given his incomplete sample), and the Thomas Dolby Unofficial Fan Site (which has an impressive discography and lyrics setup). VH1's bio is pretty cool too - for instance, I had no idea that Dolby was responsible for the soundtrack to Howard the Duck, a movie so awful it was awesome (based on a comic character that I hear is vaguely cool - ironic in a time when irony was only appreciated when uttered by our Lord or Michael J. Fox).

Your life probably won't be changed, but hopefully your perspective on one hit wonders (in the eyes of Americans) will be. Sigh.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Only you would blind me with science.