Friday, September 01, 2006


A month or two ago my friend Echols posted a delicious blog entry on the anatomy of cartoon characters, specifically the work of Michael Paulus. So macabre, so delicious. Well, I found something that will make him go, oh damn, I wish I'd found that. First. Probably. Whatever.

If you like cartoon character calaveras (and alliteration), or you love 18th Century skeleton museums, well, you'll love Hyungkoo Lee. So cool that it makes babies cry. A lot.

Oh, and as they say in Paraguay, muchas gracias to BoingBoing.


cechols said...

Oh, damn!

I do wish I'd found that first.

Superior find, Smith. Superior.

CS said...

My son looked at this and said, "That's cool! and creepy!" I had to agree.