Monday, September 11, 2006


Not long ago my friend Scott Sikes called me with his magical cell phone dee-vice. We reminisced and then he cut to the chase. He wanted me to draw something for a tee-shirt, specifically for a 5K run at Emory & Henry College this fall, the morning of our Homecoming. Well, I have been sketching like the devil in Florence, and have scanned a few of 'm to e-mail to Scott. Thought I'd throw 'm up here just for giggles. Remember, Emory & Henry's mascot is the mighty wasp. Huzzah.

1 comment:

cechols said...

Me like.

I think the head on the last sketch should go on the body of the first sketch.

And to be honest, the first first sketch from trivia is my favorite. Where's that one?