Monday, October 17, 2005

Scott Miller and the Commonwealth

So I was looking through the CDs at a Barnes & Noble around four years ago, looking for something I'd never heard, you know, to jumpstart the ol' neurons. Then I saw an album cover with the seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia on it and the title Thus Always to Tyrants, which is a translation of the state motto, Sic Semper Tyrannis. I was befuddled, so I put down the CD and walked away. Then I came back, picked it up again, then put it down again. This continued for give or take twenty minutes. Finally I picked it up, as well as some other album which I have long since forgotten, checked out, and headed to the car. The music was so damn good, however, that I didn't just go home as I had originally intended, but spent two hours driving around and listening to certain tracks over and over.

If you're interested, Scott Miller is a staple of the music scene of the Smokies in general and Knoxville in particular, but he hails originally from Swoope, VA - don't worry, I had to look it up too. . . its in the Shenandoah, just west of Staunton (pronounced STAN-ton, for all you flatlanders). He's also an alum of William & Mary where he majored in, get this, Russian. Loves Pushkin. Layers upon layers.

The Commonwealth produces a unique sound, Southern Rock that's been forcefed on a diet of Bluegrass and Alt rock, like if George Jones had been writing for Matchbox 20 - oh, and if they hired a church organist who practices hellacious soul in secret (in the dark after the Wednesday night dinner is all cleaned up). Okay, not a good characterization, but you get the picture. For the uninitiated, I've got a key resource. The Commonwealth's website is; in particular, read Scott Miller's journal and listen to samples in the music section. . . their newer stuff seems a little harder, a bit more straight rock (though jazz and soul influences seem to be growing). Regardless, check'm out. Its worth it for the enormous mule on the front page, if nothing else.

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