Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ant Poem (Sorta')

I found this on CSL's blog - she doesn't have permanent link set-up, so I am just going to cut and paste - CSL, if you read this, I hope you don't mind, and if you do, well, damn.

(Because some lists are just worth repeating.)

Attracts and kills all household ants including: Argentine ants, Ghost ants, Cornfield ants, Pavement ants, Acrobat ants, White footed ants, Little black ants, Odorous house ants, Crazy ants, Big headed ants, and other sweet eating ants.

Weird, eh? Okay, then just dig the title -

Found poetry

Yeah, now it makes more sense - in terms of "why the hell would this be a blog entry," eh?

[This will be one that Vaughn loves and Papaw posts a hilarious and mildly insulting comment to, given their relative perspectives on postmodernism]


Our Goblin Market said...

At a critical point in the history of ants, the small band of renegade Pavement Ants took up arms in order to right the wrongs of the Argentinean Ants government. The rest of the ant world feared the inevitable third world ant war. Some of these ant parties sought out other ant parties in order to acquire strength for the coming war. You can see how the Cornfield Ants needed the help of their neighbor the Acrobat Ants in order to move from the ground to a higher stronghold so the Acrobatic Cornfield Ant Party formed in 2430. The Ghost ants joined up with the White Footed ants in 2432. The White Footed Ghost ant party only lasted a couple of years after it’s founding. The crazy Ants on the other hand joined with the Big headed ants and became our ruling party we know of now as the Crazy Big Headed ants. The only original political wing of these governments who fought alone was the barbaric tribe of Odorous house ants. They were the most feared of all the ants.

Our Goblin Market said...

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.

A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you,
but don't start anything."

Two fish swim into a concrete wall. The one turns to the other and
says "Dam!".

CS said...

Don't mind at all! It's poetry that should be shared with everybody. (And if I even knew what a permanent link set-up was, I'd have that).

Laura said...

And CSL sent me here...first time she's been cited!

Third World Ant said...

Luckily this Terro stuff doesn't kill third world ants like myself... seems like it'll do every other type of ant in, though...