Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Jordan Crane

As I surveyed the vistas and hills of Transbuddha, well, I found this entry. Its on an artist/commercial artist whose work I think is completely, utterly beautiful. Legitimate art that harkens to pop art and cartoons without bending over entire to them. I dunno'. Anyway, check out this website, reddingk, and dig on Crane's fantastic prints in particular. . . they are completely within the average human being's price range, which is awesome. And they ain't no Moss-style photographic reproductions. Yummy.

1 comment:

cechols said...


Excellent, excellent post. I'm really glad you put this here. I had planned to get a post about Jordan on my site (and I still may, at the risk of looking like a johnny-come-lately), but you beat me to it.

He's one of my favorite illustrators. Look no further than here for evidence.

Also, to add a link to what you already posted, his other official site is here.