Friday, January 06, 2006

In the world of literature, history, magic, ballet, animation, and comics, there are three kinds of names that really work - those that are purely iconic (think Spider-Man,Superman, or Batman), those that are just flat freaky-deaky (think Vlad the Impaler, Nosferatu, or Richard M. Nixon), and those that are so abstract and simple that they defy easy description (think YHWH, Homer, or THX-1138). In the latter category is (link from here). How do you describe this strange internet artifact? Okay, take 1940s and 1950s pulp magazine art. Got that in your head? Super. Now make it cuss. A lot. Like it was going out of style. Now, give it an explicitly political slant, obsessed with US foreign policy. Alright, don't let that overwhelm you, cause you now have to poor in a massive dose of pop culture, think Hong Kong kungfu theater (my preference, The Drunken Master and Legend of the Drunken Master starring Jackie Chan). Gottit? Okay, now add St. Augustine Bear. No explanation possible. This is mnftiu. Go to it. Read it. Love it. Revel in the personification of North Korea.

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