Friday, January 27, 2006

This Modern World

There is a man. His name is Tom Tomorrow. I don't think that's his real name.

Let me tell you flat out. I first read This Modern World on a road trip. It was in some little Bohemian publication, a free weekly, that I picked up at a mall in Charlottes, NC after going to see the traveling King Tut exhibit (which was, of course, rock bloody solid). It was before I understood that I didn't just love history, but politics as well. Let me tell you what. I was blown away.

Here's the deal. Imagine the ultimate, biting satire you consider - universally anti-Beltway, anti-Business-as-Usual, anti-fadish politics, the whole nine yards - then draw it in a unique, quasi-1950s Advertisements/Golden Age of Cartoons style. Add a dash of a 1980s Punk-style sunglasses-wearing penguin named Sparky. Its a little (cough) more liberal than me. . . okay, a lot more liberal than me, no doubt about that, but its good - never stupid, never cheap, always funny as hell. You can check'm out here. There's a blog. . . I've read it, but hey, you can.

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