Sunday, April 02, 2006

Citizen Cope

Okay kids, last one of the day.

Mr. Cagle and I were talking one night, say a year ago, and the subject of my love of musical groups that not everyone has heard of but, by all rights, should have. He mentioned Citizen Cope.

I got on the net and have been a fan since, so much so that I realized yesterday that I hadn't added Cope to my blog by virtue of my (incorrect) assumption that everyone had heard of him.

I won't go into too much detail with Cope except to say that if you don't like his music then you just don't like good music. I'll stand by that statement for the rest of my life. If you disagree, well, I guess it must suck you not liking good music and all.

His own website describes him as a melancholy balladeer. I'd describe him as jazz with an indie feel. Whatever. You'll love him. Check out his jonx on, check out some of his videos on his homepage, and you'll be ordering his CDs faster than dancing could permanently incapacitate me.

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