Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dinosaur Comics

Jay Burns and I were chatting it up online and he said something along these lines:

"Eric, you suck so bad if you don't read Dinosaur Comics."

Oh hellz no. I don't suck.

This is the homepage of Dinosaur Comics. The main characters of these comics are Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dromiceiomimus, and Utahraptor. Minor characters include a car, a log cabin, and a woman.

I'm not lying to you. A log cabin.

These characters usually engage in philosophical and political discussions. They occasionally crush and/or devour one another. It is, frankly, nifty.

A guy named Ryan North from Canada writes this comic about archosaurs and log cabins and police cars and women. I think he went to Bayside High with Screech and Zach and Slater and the three pseudo-feminists.

Also if your patience is simply too inadequate to deal with "reading" comics, check out this fan film - it makes me happy.

1 comment:

cechols said...

Eric, I told you about Dinosaur Comics a year ago.

I can't believe you finally posted and Jay gets props for dropping the knowledge. Maybe now you'll finally appreciate my Not all dreams can come true shirt.